Help With My Horse

Transforming Crooked to Confident

In this blog I am going to tell you about Traveler’s training story. He hadn’t been ridden an some time and was sent to me to get him back going again with the goal in mind of working towards his owner riding him.  When I started working him I knew right away that something wasn’t right. His training story is an example of the importance of maintenance, and the art of nurturing a horse’s development.

Crooked Beginnings:
In the beginning, Traveler’s gait was riddled with irregularities. He moved with a crookedness that impeded his progress, a fact that I aimed to address in a previous video with muscle building exercises but that wasn’t helping. His right shoulder was constantly falling to the right causing him to stay in a left arc even when he was moving straight. I initially attributed it to a muscular or training-related challenge so I was doing exercises with him to strengthen his right shoulder but that was not helping.

Saddle Fit and Beyond:
Traveler’s journey towards fitness also shed light on mysterious dry spots under the saddle after riding. Initially, saddle fitting was a significant challenge, with a relatively large dry spot on one side under the saddle and a much smaller dry spot on the other side. That type of dry pattern is typically indicative of an out of balanced rider. Since I ride many horses every day and this was the only horse with this dry pattern then being out of balance was likely not the problem causing these dry spots. I tried several saddles I had and even one the owner said she used on him that used to fit but nothing seemed to fit properly now.

A Twist in the Tale:
In a discussion with Traveler’s owner, an intriguing revelation emerged – this problem had surfaced in Traveler’s earlier years as well. He has a similar problem before when he was younger. This bit of history provided a valuable clue in unraveling the enigma that was Traveler’s crookedness.

The Chiropractic Turnaround:
Taking cues from the past, a decision was made to involve a horse chiropractor in Traveler’s journey to wellness. Horse chiropractors are skilled professionals who specialize in aligning a horse’s musculoskeletal system, offering relief from a range of issues. With the expertise of the chiropractor, Traveler’s body underwent adjustments that restored balance and symmetry to his movements. The results were nothing short of astonishing.

Building Muscles and Confidence:
Beyond chiropractic care, Traveler’s transformation was deeply intertwined with his journey towards enhanced physical fitness. Through dedicated riding sessions, Traveler’s muscles began to change, molding his physique into a leaner, stronger version of his former self. His once-crooked frame began to straighten, and a newfound sense of confidence emerged in his demeanor.

Riding: The Ultimate Fitness Regimen:
One point that I always emphasize, and that was reinforced by Traveler’s story, is the irreplaceable role of riding in achieving true horse fitness. No amount of groundwork can truly replicate the benefits of riding. A horse needs to learn how to engage and respond to cues while under a rider’s weight, a skill that is developed through consistent riding sessions. Traveler’s evolution into a more fit and balanced horse is a testament to the power of saddle time.

Trotting Towards Success:
As Traveler’s physical and mental faculties improved, a new objective emerged – preparing him for the show ring. Traveler’s owner aspired to showcase his skills in Morgan classes, highlighting the importance of refining his trot and lope. With consistent training and focus on rhythm, engagement, and frame, Traveler’s trot and lope began to show remarkable consistency and improvement.

The Art of One-Handed Riding:
Because of Traveler’s age he would have to be shown 1 handed. This skill, which is how aged western horses must be shown, involves transitioning a horse from basic 2 handed riding to 1 handed where the horse must take more self responsibility for his travel. By reinforcing 1 handed cues with legs, riders can guide their horses effectively even in the midst of distractions, ultimately leading to a harmonious partnership.

Facing Challenges Head-On:
Traveler’s training wasn’t confined to pristine arenas. He was exposed to various challenges, from unfamiliar banners to different ground textures. By systematically desensitizing Traveler to these distractions, his confidence grew, enabling him to trust his rider’s guidance even in potentially unsettling situations.

The Traveler’s Tale Unfolds:
Traveler’s transformation was an ongoing saga. His journey from crookedness to confidence served as a powerful reminder of the dedication required to nurture a horse’s physical and mental growth. The bond between rider and horse is a continuous narrative, one that involves overcoming challenges, adapting to change, and always striving for improvement.

Traveler’s story is a captivating testimony to the power of maintenance, chiropractic care, and consistent riding in shaping a horse’s journey. Through the collaboration of dedicated professionals, an attentive owner, and a determined rider, Traveler emerged as a more balanced, confident, and skilled equine partner. His transformation exemplifies the beauty of the equestrian world – where a horse’s potential is unlocked through shared experiences, unwavering care, and the pursuit of excellence.

You can watch Traveler’s Playlist of training videos on youtube. If you have a found this blog article helpful you might try my other Horse Care Blogs. All of the valuable information I have learned through 25+ years of horse showing I share with you to help you to improve your equestrian knowledge. I have horse training videos posted on my YouTube and Facebook pages and here at 


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